Further Characterization and Development of Rear Brake Light Signals --
Significant performance gains can be achieved via use of LED signal approaches that both flash and increase signal intensity or lamp brightness.
Development of Rear Signaling Model and Work Plan for Large Scale Field Evaluation -- Eye-drawing capability is believed to represent the most effective means of redirecting a distracted driver’s attention to the forward view when a
rear-end crash is imminent.
The pulsating brake lamps draw other drivers' attention to what is happening with the
vehicle in front more effectively and more quickly than steady burning lamps.
Results showed improvements in brake activation times of 0.25 to 0.35 seconds, corresponding to 15 to 30 feet (4.6 to 9.1 m) of additional stopping distance for the enhanced lighting.
Results showed that flashing brake system and flashing hazard system reduced drivers’ brake response times by 0.14∼0.62 s and 0.03∼0.95 s, respectively, in the various situations tested.
In the 50 and 80 km/h driving environments, although there were no significant differences among the three deceleration rates, the braking response time decreased by 3–7% under the flashing brake light condition.
The current research using dynamic flashing brake lights with a flashing frequency of 7 Hz showed that flashing brake lights significantly reduced the brake reaction time. This reduction was equivalent to 10.78 m at a speed of about 120 km/h or 7.19 m at 80 km/h.